Delta Phi Omega
2020 Recruitment
Have some concerns about your daughter joining a sorority?
Although there is a negative stigma associated with Greek life, in regards to Delta Phi Omega, you will be pleasantly surprised to know that we do not fit the stereotype. Delta Phi Omega becomes a home away from home to each of its sisters. Our organization defines what it means to be a headstrong, independent woman; our sisters strive to succeed in academics and prepare for the future as leaders.
What will Delta Phi Omega do for my daughter?
With having been established in 1998, Delta Phi Omega has accomplished so much. We currently have 2000+ sisters and it only keeps growing, therefore not only will your daughter gain leadership skills, improvement in multitasking abilities, and achieving academic excellence, but now she will also have a large networking system across the nation. Sisters are able to open so many doors through internships, interviews, and opportunities that your daughter may not even know exist.
Will joining Delta Phi Omega affect my daughter's academics?
If Delta Phi Omega does affect your daughter's academic displays it will most likely be in a positive way. Delta Phi Omega strives to achieve academic excellence and do everything in our power to make sure that education remains our sisters' #1 priority.
How does Delta Phi Omega give back to the community?
Delta Phi Omega's philanthropy is Children's Education and Literacy. Through our due to our demographic stance in the community. On campus accessible Through Unity Week, in the past, we have raised over thousands of dollars to donate to CARE, Pratham, and Asha for Education. Service events pertinent to our philanthropy are easily Literacyhowever, we participate in events such as: Be The Change, Rutgers Day of Service, Literacy Through Unity Week, Philanthropy Wars, and we are always supporting other organizations' philanthropic causes.
What is Delta Phi Omega's policy on alcohol?
Delta Phi Omega holds a strict policy when it comes to alcohol or any illicit substance. While representing our organization no sister is allowed to consume alcohol or smoke anything. This means at events or parties that display our crest on a flyer, or when a sister is wearing any form of Delta Phi Omega's letters, she is not to drink or smoke at all. Individuals who are not twenty-one years old are not encouraged to consume alcohol in any situation due to the regulations of the law. Each sister is held accountable for her own decisions and disobeying this rule results in serious repercussions.